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site is dedicated to all those who are new to Redhat Linux.
Linux, together with a set of GNU programs, is an operating system. That is, Linux is not a single program or a suite of tools. Most "versions" of Linux, known as "distributions", are available to download free of charge. However, there are some things you should know about downloading and installing some vendor's or individual's Linux product:
1. You should have a high-speed Internet connection (T3, T1, xDSL, cable modem, ISDN). Trying to download a major vendor's version of Linux will probably be a frustrating experience with a dial-up modem connection. **
2. You'll need the ISO images for the distribution you want to download which you must then copy or "burn" into a CD.( Option:-After Downloading the image, take the hard disk to your friend's house where there is a cd-writer.) For Linux lovers in Trivandrum contact me at [email protected] so that I can give you the image in a cd. (cost of cd needed)
3. If you already run another operating system, you must re-partition your hard disk in order to install a "standard" Linux distribution. There are some "mini" distributions that are designed to run as if it were a "program" under other operating systems (eg. Windows). If you are interested in trying Linux, this may be an option.If you are having two hard disks then there wont be any trouble.If you dont want to touch the harddisk and still want to use linux, download knoppix linux that boots directly from the cd. (!!!!!! NEVER TRY TO INSTALL LINUX IN WINDOWS !!!!!!)
4. When you download Linux from the Internet, You are not entitled to that particular vendor's technical support. You will have to look for the documentation that you need in order to resolve any problems you might run into or seek appropriate help on websites or in other Internet forums. In other words, if you don't have a high-speed connection to Internet or a drive that writes to blank CDs then downloading is probably not the best way for you to get a full-featured Linux distribution.You can, though, depending on your location, get Linux free in magazines or from retailers that will sell you a distribution on one or more CDs at very low cost. Distributions obtained in this way do not usually include documentation or support. There are also many books that include a Linux distribution. If you don't know how to partition a hard disk or you have very little experience with installing and maintaining an operating system, you can still install Linux fairly easily by purchasing a boxed set. In this case, the cost of Linux system increases, but on the other hand, you will be provided full documentation, step by step installation instructions and in many cases free technical support for up to 90 days by phone or e-mail. Regardless of the way in which you obtain a Linux distribution, we at Linux Online feel that switching to Linux will be a positive experience. You will see your knowledge of computing increase at the same time as your productivity. You will be able to do much more with your computer and at a fraction of the cost of proprietary operating systems.
** Use some download manager like kaaza or getright.
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